Winter Warmup

The Holidays are over and my brushes have lay dry & dormant like my lawn since late November. In an effort to relight the creative juices my first piece in 2020 is dedicated to the Winter gods. It’s a snow scene in Water Color using Daniel Smith on 11x14 Arches block, 300 lb. cold press paper. Basically, restarting feels like going back to the gym after a long absence. It takes a little more time & thought to get organized, mixing of colors and the feel of the brush flow. After finalizing the below piece today, I placed it in a black Mat to fit into a 16x20 frame.

Now I need to decide to either revisit a few unfinished pieces or tackle a new scene. Next week, I’ll be joining fellow Artists at GN Art League on Thursday mornings for 10 weeks. This will be our Winter/Spring session. It’s always inspiring to work with other artists and view the different mediums and interpretative approach. Below is entitled Winter Walk.

Winter Walk 11x14.jpg